About the Artist

Artist Jane Chapman was born and grew up in Baton Rouge, LA. She has moved to Lafayette, LA.  Art has been a driving force in Jane’s life for as long as she can remember. She excelled in art throughout grade school and continued her studies at Louisiana State University, earning her degree in Applied Arts.

Jane was the founder, CEO and graphic designer of a gift manufacturing and distribution company called Plain Jane, Inc. What began as a craft fair hobby turned into a full-time career, and a successful wholesale gift business.  In 2001 Jane was presented with the award for “Entrepreneur of the Year” for excellence in business by the Baton Rouge YWCA.

Upon retirement she concentrated on her painting. For years she had worked in mixed media interested in and experimenting with acrylic, oils, gold leaf, and fabric dying. In addition, she discovered a special method of painting on sheet metal and other sub-straits framed in Plexi glass, for a very contemporary look.

In 2015 Jane's art career went in a new and exciting direction. That November she attended a workshop by Nancy Bush at the Fredericksburg Art School and fell in love with the Tonalist Movement of intimate landscapes. Its roots were in early American masters such as Charles Warren Easton, James McNeill Whistler and George Innes. She is continuing this newfound passion with instruction by Michael Workman, Dennis Sheehan, both modern masters. Jane has had the opportunity to sit and study with Phil Bob Borman, Kevin Couter, Mark Boudges. Morgan Stanly Price, Dawn Whitelaw, taking workshop whenever she can fit them in.

Jane opened, “Studio 9170”, an artist’s working studio in 2012 in Baton Rouge. Here, sixteen artists had individual studio spaces and could collaborate with each other. They shared ideas, trying new techniques, and were constantly working on their latest pieces of art, while sharing their common love of art.

Jane has moved to a studio space in Lafayette and continues her painting. She is enjoying learning new media such as gouache and pastels.

Jane was juried into Oil Painters of America. She is an exhibiting member of Associated Women of the Arts in Baton Rouge.

"It seems like I'm starting a new chapter in my life, a fabulous journey of intentional art. It is extremely challenging, and I feel like I am in college again, studying and learning!  I am discovering a completely new world of color and technique. My soul’s passion is renewed."